FDR had polio in his childhood, leaving him paralyzed.
If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s h o m o erectus.
Commander In Cheif: President Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865) President Andrew Johnson (1865)
Commander General:MG Winfield Scott (1841–1861) MG George B. McClellan (1861–1862) MG Henry W. Halleck (1862–1864) GA Ulysses S. Grant (1864–1869)
<span>Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, <span>the correct response would be that the Men were in charge of the Household, and that young men were expected to complete military training at a relatively early age.</span></span>
Many historians credit the Versailles Treaty with WW II. That is, the treaty's natural conclusion was WW II. It enfeebled Germany to the point of famine and if you want to anger an enemy and motivate them, starve their children. The economic collapse it created opened the door for Hitler and his fanatics.