The cerebellum receives information from the sensory systems, the spinal cord, and other parts of the brain and then regulates motor movements...
it could have been possibly damaged
If the spinal cord is damaged the brain has difficulty giving messages to the cerebellum and therefore, he has difficulty with combing his hair, writing, etc
Poor mikey :(
Significance of the study
To complete the given sentence or statement the first and second answer will be the parents need to worry more about their children's exposure to wood smoke than their exposure to carbon monoxide, if the 2010 study of children in western Canada is accurate.
Captain John Smith became leader of the Jamestown<span> Colony. He </span>saved<span> the colony by making a rule that anyone who did not work did not eat. This made the colonists plant food, and build shelters and fences to protect themselves from attack. Captain John Smith maintained a peace with the nearby Algonquian Indians.</span>
The answer is experience-dependent. The question was based on the language used at home which served as the foundation for the children's languages. Ramon learned both English and Spanish because it was both used in their home. Eric only learned English since it was the only language used at home. The children displayed their dependency on learning based on their experiences with communication to their families.