Solon started policies of political reform establishing four classes of citizenship based on wealth rather than heredity, also creating the Council of Four Hundred. Pericles strengthened the democracy by increasing the number of paid public officials by paying jurors.
First One
In the Colombian Exchange Over 80% of the New World died to disease and compared to when the Spanish first landed, there were less guerrilla fighters and they could settle plains and other cultivated land used by the now dead Americans.
Reasons for large population increase in 1700s. The first successful colony in America was in Jamestown, Virginia, established 1607. When it was first founded, the colony contained only several hundred people. During the two hundred years that followed the population increased greatly, due in part to massive immigration from the Old World.
Explanation: please bro plz or girl plz brainly me I'm begging you
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government