Hitler turned Germany against Jewish people by... marketing propaganda and blaming Jews for the fall of Germanys economy.
The six phases of the Holocaust were... the six phases of genocide.
The Holocaust effected human rights... by showing people just how much the feeling if hate can do to a group(or groups) of people. So many were killed in WW2 because of just a few people in power, people who knew how much power they had and what damage they could do. Now, thankfully, there are laws set in place that stop this from happening and while sadly bad things can (and do) still happen to minorities; bad things on this scale have been prevented. Human rights have come a long way since the 1940s but not far enough, theres still more work to do.
I think Q2= #2, "Nature’s indifference toward man."
No clue about Q3 Or Q4.
Q5= either #3 or #4.
Q1= #2.
sorry I did not understand your question