See below.
Tet was launched in January 30th 1968, Tet being the Chinese New Year.
The attack was a complete surprise. The guard of the South Vietnamese army was lowered by Tet celebrations. Moreover the Vietcong and NVA switched their offensive from the countryside to the cities, which again took the South Vietnamese and Americans by surprise.
The fact that the Vietcong could get right inside the American embassy in Saigon emphasized the surprise nature of the attack.
Tet was actually a military defeat for the communists as they sustained massive losses. However psychologically it was a massive victory for them. Widespread coverage of the raging battles in cities such as Saigon and Hue on American televisions every night, swayed public opinion against the war, as the images suggested the Vietcong could go anywhere, and so it suggested the US was losing the war.
According to the contract subscribed between Bernard Atton and Leo, Abbot of Lagrasse in 1110, Atton "<em>ought to hold as a fief in Carcassonne the following: that is to say, the castles of Confoles, of Leocque, of Capendes (which is otherwise known as St. Martin of Sussagues); and the manors of Mairac, of Albars and of Musso; also, in the valley of Aquitaine, Rieux, Traverina, Hérault, Archas, Servians, Villatiitoes, Tansiraus, Presler, Cornelles</em>."
Also, he got the concession as a fief "the castle of Termes in Narbonne; and in Minerve the castle of Ventaion, and the manors of Cassanolles, and of Ferral and Aiohars; and in Le Rogés, the little village of Longville".
Moreover, he obtained the privilege of mounting the horses of Leo and also to receive homage when he visited the domains of the Abbot of Lagrasse.
Magna carta, Athens Greece and Roman Republic, English Bill of Rights and popular sovereignty. <span />
The resources in a free enterprise system are allocated by the consumer and by the producer.
The Answer is D
Sharecropping gave white landowners the upper hand and economic dominance in Southern society.