A leaf is xylem the of function the is what
The correct answer would be They comprise the Calvin cycle.
Calvin cycle refers to the set of chemical reactions taking place in the stroma of the chloroplast in which carbon is fixed into food (glucose). The whole process is divided into three stages namely: fixation, reduction, and regeneration (ribulose bisphosphate or RuBP).
It takes place in light-independent reaction of the the photosynthesis.
It does not require light energy to carry out the reactions however, it depends upon the products of light reaction (ATP and NADPH).
Fixation of one molecule of glucose requires 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 9 ATP and 6 NADPH.
The fixation of carbon is catalyzed by an enzyme RuBisCO.
it’s somehow re-jiggered its
taste system so that the attractant that humans used to draw the insect to
poison bait—the sugar glucose—now tastes bitter to the roach, and they avoid it.
cockroaches began appearing that avoided the baits, and did so not because they
were averse to the poison, but because they were averse to the attractant, glucose. This new
trait turned out to be heritable, that is, it had a genetic basis.
Number 1 is C
And im not sure about the rest :(