Vietnam has a close proximity with China which was where the pandemic originated from. Vietnam took proactive measures such as ban on flights into the Country and putting the country on total lockdown.
Vietnam has reported less than 300 cases and no deaths since January 2020, according to official tallies.
Many Americans learn about Boston, as it concerned with the dealing of the colonists and the British.
Boston harbour was the main port for exporting and importing goods and was an essential maritime shipping centre. Having control of Boston was an advantage for the British as they exercise the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. Boston Massacre occurred in Boston in 1770, when the colonists began to throw stone, sticks, and snowball at the British troops who posted in the city. The view soon became disordered, and the British guards fired shots into the crowd and killing five civilians.
The Boston Massacre encouraged the people to unite and a call for patriotism in the colonies.
Here's the order:
- Ptolemy's map of the world
- the first school of oceanic navigation
- Portuguese caravels with triangular sails
Ptolemy (ca. 100-150 AD) was an astronomer, mathematician and geographer in the Roman Empire era. Ptolemy's map of the world was a map based on descriptions in Ptolemy's book, <em>Geography, </em>which dates back to around the year 150 AD.
Prince Henry the Navigator started the first school for oceanic navigation at Sagres, Portugal, for training in navigation, map-making, and science. The date of founding of the school (and even full details about it) are a bit uncertain, but it seems to have been established in about 1418. Prince Henry was called "The Navigator" because of his strong support for sending out ocean exploration voyages.
Caravels were developed by the Portuguese around the middle of the 15th century (around 1450). These more agile ships were better suited to ocean sailing than previous ship models used in the calmer waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
establish an army.
In the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had started, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to organize the war efforts of thirteen colonies. Armed forces were composed of many local militia at that time and the Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington as general of the Continental Army and approved army recruitment.