15 years
If you are constructing a portfolio to cover the education expenses of your child and you expect that he/she graduates from college in 15 years, then the time horizon of your portfolio should be 15 years since it should cover all the expenses until your child graduates. If you start a little earlier and expect your child to graduate in 20 years, the time horizon will be 20 years, or if you start a little later and expect your child to graduate in 10 year, then the time horizon is 10 years.
Capitalism is an economic system based on investing money in the expectation of making a profit. The means of production are usually privately owned by private entrepreneurs who often use wage labor to create added value. In doing so, they enjoy a great deal of legal freedom to dispose of these means, free enterprise production. This freedom also means that there is competition, which means that entrepreneurs have an interest in increasing the efficiency of their company. Hence, the capital owner will not fully consume the profit but reinvest in the business and capital accumulation takes place. The distribution of products is regulated by the market, in which the role of the government is, in principle, limited to that of market master.
A partnership's allocations of income and deductions to the partners are required to be proportionate to the partners' percentage ownership of partnership profits in order to meet the substantial economic effect tests.
Equity and equality must be put in place as a yardstick to allocate such which would bring a common ground for both parties.
Training, support, employee performance, company values and technology.
Training: All leaders must have training, such as how to perform performance evaluations. Training in practical issues and management tasks encourages leaders to be more responsible.
Support: Leaders should have the support of the organization. The company's support for its department decisions and professional aspirations is essential for the development of better leaders.
Employee performance: The aptitude and professional interests of the personnel form the basis of the decisions that the leaders take when delegating tasks and responsibilities to the employees, being the same leaders the final responsibility for the result.
Company values: Leaders who work for successful, high-level organizations demonstrate pride and commitment to their positions.
Technology: Technological solutions give the leader greater productivity and efficiency. Technology is a fundamental factor for leaders because it affects their performance.
Have a nice day!
Cash flow provided from operating activities 12,700
Net Income: 10,500
Depreciation expense 5,500 a
Adjusted income 16,000
Change in working capital
↓Account Receivable 3,500 b
↑Inventory (7,500) c
↑Salaries payable 700 d
Total Change in working capital (3,300)
Cash flow provided from operating activities 12,700
a The depreciation is a non-monetary concept it has no impact in cash. It is removed.
b The decrease the AR means cash was collected, therefore the cash increase
c The increase in inventory represents cash being used to purchase that inventory. Cash decreased
d the salaries payable represent the delay of cash disbursement, it increases cash.