Tijuana's actions are an example of
<u> "altruism".</u>
Altruism is carrying on of worry for another's prosperity. Regularly, individuals carry on charitably when they see others in edgy conditions and feel sympathy and a craving to help. Selflessness doesn't generally easily fall into place, since by definition, it expects individuals to slight their very own worries to help other people with no desire for remuneration, however "reciprocal altruism" is a term utilized by evolutionary scholars and analysts to describe the choice to help with a desire that one will get some advantage or result to oneself. Agreeable conduct enabled our predecessors to make due under brutal conditions, despite everything it fills an important need to an exceedingly mind boggling society.
What you’re talking about is Beta. Beta is the ratio of how much a stock changes relative to the market as a whole (NYSE, NASDAQ)
A Beta of 2.0 means it changes (up/down) twice as much as the general market (Dow, S & P, NAS), such as the twitchy, hyper reactive tech stocks ( FAANG’s and also boom-or-bust Big Oil). In other words, high Standard Deviations.
A Beta of 0.5 means it changes (up/down) half as much as the general market. Sleepy blue chips such as GE, AT&T or power utilities fall in that category. Low Standard Deviations
Most stocks by definition pretty much track the market (Beta 1.0) so there are a lot of those. Middling Standard Deviations
So…it is dictated by your risk tolerance.
No matter how bold or ambitious your plans are to grow your business, the key to your business's success lies in three critical, interdependent components: operational excellence, customer relations/communications and financial management.
A convention
Nash equilibrium is a theory or a concept of equilibrium, which is in the game theory ,where the possible result or the best outcome of the game and there is no incentive which could deviate from the strategy.
So, it is an effective way to move toward the Nash equilibrium is known or referred to a convention, which is a non- cooperative game.