Sometimes if you do community service it can go on your record. It can help you out too and get you some type of points in high school.
Answer: Ponyboy Curtis and his two older brothers, Soda and Darry. The boys are orphans and struggle to stick together in their lower-class neighborhood, known as the East Side. They are part of a gang along with their friends and it's called the Greasers. The Greasers and another gang called the Socs get in a rumble. Ponyboy gets jumped.
if the resturants are fast food, then they are more than likely not truly good food to be eating all the time.
Explanation: for example McDonald's fake meat chicken nuggets
Jane Eyre and Daisy Miller . a study
In both novels the narrations shape the idea that the ladies in the stories are young, inexperienced but they have a purpose, though it is not clear which it might be.Having in both cases unreliable narrators who describe with the little information they have, lets the reader judge by themselves the path the lives of these two female protagonists could follow.
In the case of Daisy Miller James uses a third person narrator with a limited amount of information to share.This perspective with certain limitations , seems to be that of Mr Winterbourne.This type of narrator makes the story rich in the sense that it creates an atmosphere of doubt about Daisy´s intentions and beleifs.The voice which is used by this narrator chosen by James is conversational and also cheerful, with a carefree tone. It appears that the author wants the reader to capture Daisy´s naive manners by using the voice of a narrator that considers her like that.
Jane Eyre on the other hand,expresses her own feelings and narrates whatever she experiences.The author uses her point of view to give the reader the same picture Jane has.The purpose of Bronte could also be for the reader to be as surprised or sad about the events as Jane is in the story.Innocent and full of hopes when she is chosen for performing a job at the manor, her voice guides the reader into her life with the same insecurities she had and her same expectations.
As a conclusion, the role of narration and point of view are essential in both stories and help the reader have a picture of the girls .By using the word picture I mean that the narrators capture moments in both lives and leave the rest to the action that develops and the decisions the girls make.
<span>don't know the answer to that sorry2</span>