Eliminate three wrong answers
study your weakest points
only use high quality SAT recources
skip the most difficult, time consuming questions
understand all your mistakes
guess on every Q that u dont know
Rahul without doubt, is the better player in our team.
<h3 /><h3>Explanation: </h3>
E.g is used to say "For example"
I.e. is used to say "That is"
There are many kinds (can't name them all off the top of my head)
1. Telling someone you'll keep it a secret and then tell anyway...
2. Always being there for someone and then not
3. When you cheat on your husband/wife or someone you're in a relationship with
4. Using someone just to get some
Those are all I can think of (at the moment). But you can just pick whichever one you want.