Industrial, Lifestyle, trends
FDR got us through the great depression and world war II
He humanized the american industrial system
He was a major transformative leader
He gave us social security
All citizens.
The First Amendment is one that guarantees liberty in five areas. It guarantees religious freedom, the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government.
The conflict between Henry IV and Gregory VII concerned the question of who got to appoint local church officials. Henry believed that, as king, he had the right to appoint the bishops of the German church. This was known as lay investiture.
A code of behavior for knights in medieval Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and devotion. How did Pope Gregory show his power in political affairs? Under Gregory, the papacy also became a secular, or worldly, power involved in, they used church revenues to raise armies, repair road, and help the poor.