Scout, I’ve never read the book or seen the movie but I’ve heard of it so many times.
See explanation below
This quote was made by Winston Churchill, an orator who knew the courage it took to speak and also to listen.
The quote "COURAGE is what it takes to stand up and speak and what it takes to sit down and listen" basically means it takes courage to do the right thing (decide when to stand up and speak and when to sit down and listen).
Courage does not always mean standing up and speaking, sometimes it entails sitting down, questioning your own opinions and beliefs and listening to other people speak.
The Merchant of Venice is set in Italy in the sixteenth century, mainly in Venice. At that time, Venice was an independent city-state. In Shakespeare's era, setting plays, especially comedies, in Italy was a popular practice, and Shakespeare used Italian settings for many of his works.
In the beginning of the speech called, “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat,” Winston Churchill is discussing the new government that he has formed in the past three days after becoming prime minister. In paragraph two it states, “A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labour, Opposition, and Liberals, the unity of the nation.” In this part of the speech, he is explaining about the transition of the new government he has formed. Furthermore, he goes on by saying, “Other key positions were filled yesterday.” He does not explain what they are but we can assume that he has done something else too that was an important task to be completed. After explaining what he has already completed he gives a few more details about his future plans. In short, all we know from the beginning of the speech is that he has created a new government.