Predicted emotion means the possible emotion is based on certain prediction.Whereas The actual emotion means that the outcome is the result of particular instance.It is to be noted that it can be same as the predicted outcome or can be different from the predicted outcome.
The main difference between PREDICTED emotions to ACTUAL emotions is that
- Predicted means the possible outcome based on certain prediction.
- Whereas The actual outcome means that the outcome is the result of particular instance.It is to be noted that it can be same as the predicted outcome or can be different from the predicted outcome.
- Predicted outcome is based upon certain pre determined factors where as an actual outcome is instantaneous.
For Example: if you get bad grades the predictable outcome will be that you might cry,become sad ,depressed but the actual outcome might be that you behave in a mature way rather than crying you start studying again and show no sign of being emotionally low or down .
Similarly you appeared for a job interview and later on you received a letter stating that you are not selected for the job ,the predicted outcome will be that you get upset and shows unwillingness to appear for any other job interview,You loose your confidence but the actual emotion can be that you prepare yourself again for another interview .