Answer: Practically everyone is biased in some way. ... Basically, bias means having an unfair or unbalanced opinion. Since history is a subject where people express their opinions it means that we have to be very careful to watch out for bias.
because a group called al Qaeda hijacked the 4 plains flew them into the WTC pentogon and was aiming for the capital but whent down in a field in Summerset PA.
The Freedom riders were arrested and put in jail for 30 days because they broke a state law in Mississippi. This law called for segregated facilities for black and white citizens. The Freedom riders intentionally had black riders sit-in the whites only section of these facilities. This form of protest resulted in arrests in several states across the "Deep South."
Answer: 3. The German people were unaware that their army was beaten and that its leaders had demanded an end to the war.
General Pershing did not believe an armistice was the best way to end the war. He wanted Germany to surrender unconditionally when Allied armies had gone into Germany and taken over it militarily as well as disbanded its army and reduced its economy.
This way he argued, the German people would know that they were beaten an did not choose surrender but rather were forced into it. He believed this was how such a war should have ended.