Great Britain imprisoned Jomo Kenyatta for the role in the Kenyan nationalist movement.
Justice and liberty are the two that mean the same
Answer: A) Climate
Explanation: Until the mid-20th century the largest impediment to trade between area "1" and area "2" on the map was climate. The Sahara Desert was a major impediment to trade. True, there were Trans-Saharan trade routes for centuries, but there is no denying that the desert was an inconvenience at the very least.
In Europe, most revolutionary conflicts attempted to eliminate the monarchy and to remove the influence of religion. This is because these two institutions were seen as having too much power and controlled all the different parts of public and private life. These institutions were also very corrupt and hypocritical.
Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
→ she didn't want to go to school, made up an excuse and even got a prize for it (breakfast)
Primary reinforcement is a reinforcement that does not depend on previous learning (conditioning). They are generally used to meet basic needs, such as water and food. Its relationship was established based on phylogenesis.
→ she was afraid to go to school and made up an excuse
Reinforcement, or reinforcing stimulus, for behaviorism is the consequence of behavior that makes it more likely. The reinforcement can be positive (through the addition of a stimulus) or negative (through the removal of a stimulus).