1. They play dead when faced by a predator.
2. They travel in schools of about 12.
3. Males establish their dominance by having sword fights with their spines and showing off their bright colors.
The cold, northern currents then flow in a rotating current system called the North Atlantic subpolar gyre, of which the Labrador Current is the southward flowing component.
The Gulf Stream is an intense, warm ocean current in the western North Atlantic Ocean. It moves north along the coast of Florida and then turns eastward off of North Carolina, flowing northeast across the Atlantic.
Idk if this is right but hopefully it is...
Humans benefit from the domestic dog because they reduce stress, they can prevent depression, and they can improve your health. Dogs benefit from humans because they love the bond they have with their owner.
I would expect them to perform similar.
Studies suggest that intelligence has a genetic component and can, in part, be passed from parent to child - but not only that. There are outer components that contribute to the formation of intelligent individuals. Better nutrition and more access to education would be possible explanations for the progressive increase in intelligence test scores over time.
Homozygous twins are those that are mainly characterized by similarity between individuals. These twins are formed from the same zygote, ie after the fertilization process. Because of this characteristic, they have the same genetic heritage and are therefore considered identical.
As the homozygous twins in their classroom have the same genetic heritage and attend the same environment, we can conclude that their intelligence is influenced by the same factors. For this reason, a teacher who taught these two brothers might have expectations that they would perform similarly in the classroom.
The answer to your question is E.