some empires inveneted things that we dont no about that could be useful
when the roman empire fell medical books where burnt and thoose medicines could be still uncovered by us. so by studying them we might be able to discover inventions and discoveries that they made.
C. paced decision making model.
The paced decision making model is useful in making logical decisions. In this approach the problem, alternatives, and criteria are first listed in a matrix and then evaluated so as to arrive at a logical decision. The problem is first listed along with alternatives to the issue at hand. Then several criteria which include expected results are then considered. A vertical and horizontal line is the application of the matrix.
In Diane's example, she had a problem; difficulty deciding on a college. She then used the paced matrix, listing the colleges vertically and her criteria horizontally. This approach would help her evaluate the problem objectively and reach a better decision.
It affected women in the U.S because of how they were only there at home when usually their husbands were out fighting for the war. This provided more job opportunities for women and caused them to be the "head of the house".
The answers are <u>A,</u> <u>C,</u> and lastly, <u>E.</u> Hope this helps out anyone who takes the course and still needs the answers :)
There were actually four HUGE causes for WW1, treaties and alliances brought many countries into war, the imperialism of some countries scared other countries, and they were "defending" themselves, there was a lot of weapons stocking, and countries were creating gigantic armies, and that threatened other countries, and then we have plain old nationalism.