C. There is no eternal truth, truth is created by history, and much of what we consider true is considered so because the world around us treats it that way.
Williams James, an American who was widely known for his philosophical and psychological works.
In his "Pragmatism's Conception of Truth", alludes to the idea that many of the things we hold to be truths are in fact only true-by-convention.
This implies that " there is no eternal truth, truth is created by history, and much of what we consider true is considered so because the world around us treats it that way."
This is evident when he claimed that "Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their 'agreement', as falsity means their disagreement, with 'reality'."
Japan, American forces occupied japan under roosevelt
sweatshops are hard labor with little pay and little to no hygiene, these sweathsops could also have many safety hazards such as no fire exits, the sweatshop owners mistreat the workers
Sweatshops still exist they are most common in the east such as asia, china, etc.
Christianity is the belief that christ has come before and will come again for judgement day. good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell. everyone except jesus and mary (his mom) are sinners, jesus died on a cross for our sins. idk about the others though.