Check the explanation
Here in this game of Tic-Tac-Toe, it is using the TPGE engine which is a Tiny Python Game Engine. Let's talk about its functions like:-
def image_type(img): In this function, it is simply taking image as a parameter and returning its object type like DISC if the image is in graphical form, TEXT if it is a string, and LINE if it is other than the mentioned object.
def convert_image(img): In this function, it is simply taking image as a parameter and returning an equivalent graphical object as understood by John Zelle's. Mainly comparing for three things in this function and those are: if image equals to DISC then it is calling convert_circle(function), if image equals to LINE then it is calling convert_line(function), and if image equals to TEXT then it is calling convert_text(function),
def convert_circle(x): This function takes a list( a group of values) and makes a circle at the center of the window and the circle's radius is coming from the list.
convert_text, convert_line, convert_circle are only creating text, line, and circle and then returning it.
def graphical_elements(images): This function is taking image as a parameter and then extracting shape and color from the image and then calling convert_image(shape) and convert_type(shape) and it gives us graphic and kind respectively. Now it is checking whether kind equals to DISC If yes then filling color on the window else, setting the outline of the window
def run(): Here it is finally running the game with required parameters, the whole game is continously running under the while loop.
That's all
Character Map ... I hope This Helps
This is a notification message for a normal but significant condition
Syslog represents the standard for logging message, it sends messages through UDP port 514. Familiar syslog facilities includes IP, OSPF protocols, etc. The messages from syslog are both about facility and level.
A syslog server is a means through which network devices sends messages about events into a logging server which is called syslog server. Since a syslog protocol supports so many devices, it can also be used to log a good number of events.
It is just a declaration of an object variable, <em>person</em>, in JavaScript. Within a <em>person</em> object, there are key:value pairs. The code that you shared has the following keys: name, age, and favouriteFood, whereas the values of those keys are: Mike, 25, and pizza.
There is <em>no</em> alert statement in this code snippet; therefore, it <em>will not alert </em>anything. This code contains only a variable called <em>person, </em>and that's it!