The number of mitochondria per cell varies widely; for example, in humans, erythrocytes (red blood cells) do not contain any mitochondria, whereas liver cells and muscle cells may contain hundreds or even thousands. The only eukaryotic organism known to lack mitochondria is the oxymonad Monocercomonoides species.
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Mitochondria are made from the process called binary fission. This is the cell division utilized by the prokaryotes. It also has circular DNA that is similar in both size and structure in prokaryotic cells. Mitochondria also has its own DNA different than the DNA found in the nucleus of a cell.
a. Determine the allele frequencies of:
- f(T) = 0.485 ≅ 0.48
f(t) = 0.515 ≅ 0.52
b. Determine the genotype frequencies of the exposed generation
F (TT) = 0.21
- F (Tt) = 0.55
- F (tt) = 0.24
the genotype frequencies of the next generation
F(TT) = 0.23
- F(Tt) = 0.5
- F(tt) = 0.27
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