The United Kingdom allowed Germany to take over part of Czechoslovakia, but it came to Poland's defense when Germany invaded.
The angular measurement is half the angle in the center, so we deduce the angle BAC equals half the angle in the center. Which mean BAC = 1/2 BOC => BAC = 52/2 = 26°.
The correct answer is Ancient Egypt. The games were very different than what is played today as bowling, or different types of it, but the concept was the same, you would have a bunch of pins and a rolling ball and the goal was to put as many of them down as you can by rolling it.
If you look at the years of the states and write down the ones in 1889 and 1900, it gets easier. Three that I got were Wshington, Montana, and South Dakota (I'm sure there are more but those were three).
Los griegos consideraban a los dioses olímpicos como una gran familia presidida por zeus, padre de los dioses y los hombres, y su esposa Hera, con Poseidon reinando en los mares y hades en el infra mundo. La mayoría del resto de olímpicos eran hijos de Zeus.