you should be but in the same time no
80% of the Pollution to the Marine Enviroment comes from Land.
Analog to digital conversation.
A lcd projector is used to play images, videos and ducoments on a computer system to a broadened view. It sends electronical signals to pixels on the lcd lens to to give output.
Watching a video online is wireless and requires an electromagnetic wave, which is analog in nature, to communicate.
The streaming of online video through a lcd projector is an analog to digital conversation.
O(N!), O(2N), O(N2), O(N), O(logN)
N! grows faster than any exponential functions, leave alone polynomials and logarithm. so O( N! ) would be slowest.
2^N would be bigger than N². Any exponential functions are slower than polynomial. So O( 2^N ) is next slowest.
Rest of them should be easier.
N² is slower than N and N is slower than logN as you can check in a graphing calculator.
NOTE: It is just nitpick but big-Oh is not necessary about speed / running time ( many programmers treat it like that anyway ) but rather how the time taken for an algorithm increase as the size of the input increases. Subtle difference.