Punctuations are general conventions used to improve the readability of a writing
Full stop - To show that the sentence has ended and there should be a pause
Comma - To show a pause within a sentence, also used to sperate independent clauses
Colon - To show a list
Inverted commas - To show direct speech
Wife to Troy and mother of Cory, Rose represents the maternal gentleness of the Maxson household. In opposition to Troy's toughness and disrespect for Cory's feelings and opinions, Rose is a source of love and understanding.
You would open your eyes first, then the door.
Eliminate passive voice by making the subject do the action. You can shift the focus of the sentence from the direct or indirect object to the actor. For example, you can transform the following sentence from passive to active voice. Passive: The tree was cut down by the man.
The correct option is A.
From the passage given above, it can be seen that the brothers were opposites right from their mother's womb. One is left handed while the second one is right handed, this probably make them to see matters from different angles. Thus, it is inevitable that the brother will always be in conflict.