Cuban missile crisis, (October 1962), major confrontation that brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to war over the presence of Soviet nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba.
Answer:British authorities were concerned that going to war against a Muslim country could fuel anti-imperialist protests among India’s large Muslim population
If you were worried about losing your job, you would budget your money better, and buy only things you need as opposed to things you want.
The Alamo
The site known today as Alamo was the most successful mission among the first San Antonia missions. The Alamo became a large missionary complex, where Spanish Christians catechized the Indians and converted them to Christianity, often forcedly, but managed to do so with almost all the Indians in the region. Since the main objective of the missions was to convert to Christianity, this was the most successful.
In addition, this region has been promising to develop large-scale agriculture.