The stamp act was an act passed by the British parliament. The act placed a tax on every piece of printed paper. This made it very hard to share news threw letters or newspapers. But also they taxed ship papers, trading documentations, licenses, legal documents, and even play cards.
The concept which best relates to the ideas of Baron de Montesquieu is
- separation of powers
- checks and balances
According to the declaration of independence 1776, the powers that belong to the United States as " Free and Independent States" are war, peace treaty and trade. The declaration states that all the people of the world that the 13 united colonies are free from British rule. The independent states claim the power to levy war, make peace and alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade and do anything independent states have right to do.The new states believe that God will protect them in trying to establish a just government while its citizens pledge their loyalty and lives to the cause o the independent nation.
In Puerto Rico it was useful, in Cuba not so much. Cubans perceived the outcome as occupation and didn't want to have United States occupation in their country. Puerto-Ricans had a form of a civilian government with independence and Puerto-rican citizenship but the country belonged to US.
The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. It ended with the defeat of the Central Powers.