Here ya go hope it answers all questions
About 200,000 years ago, we evolved to become the most important force for change on the planet. Our knack for collective learning — preserving information, sharing it with one another, and passing it to the next generation — helps us create entirely new forms of complexity.
The period immediately after the Civil War when the South rebuilt and the southern states returned to the Union. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all born in the United States; this broad language included former slaves.
Dramas have developed from plays to onscreen
Italian polymath Galileo Galilei espoused the view of heliocentricism in the early 17th century, contrary to the geocentrism which was commonly accepted at the time.
the enlightenment is best described as the Age of Reason this movement embrace the notion that Humanity could be improved through rational change .