The answer is B because "I have visited many cities including the following" indicates that there is going to be a list of cities. A colon is used to introduce a series of items or to separate two independent clauses; however the second sentence has to add on to the first.
Option 1
The order of facts in the given paragraph are as follows -
a) The female hornbill lays eggs in a hollow tree
b) Male then covers the opening by plastering it with mud
c) Male gives food to young ones through a hole.
d) Female stays in the cell like compound for three weeks until the young ones are big enough.
Considering the above flow of facts, option 1 is the most appropriate answer
(page number 10) Parris to Abigail
This indicates that Parris is selfish and doesn't care about anyone else. He doesn't care if his niece and daughter conjured with the devil.
Based on the information provided, it shows that Parris is very selfish and doesn't care about anyone else. He doesn't even care what might happen to his own daughter and niece. He is self-centered in nature. He never worried about any one but himself. He doesn't even care what might happen to his own daughter and niece. He is self-centered in nature. He never worried about any one but himself.
If you don't know what your signing you might sign something bad and if you don't understand you can still sign something bad