In the speech "communists in the state department," accusing people of being "card-carrying members of the communist party" impl
ies what? these people are not loyal to the united states. these people are guilty of treason. these people shouldn't be allowed to control our foreign policy. all of the above
In the speech "communists in the state department," accusing people of being "card-carrying members of the communist party" implies that these people are not loyal to the united states, these people are guilty of treason, and these people shouldn't be allowed to control our foreign policy.
Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy accused many officials of the US government and members of the military of being Communists. Throughout the 1940s to the 1950s, McCarthy formulated this accusation during the so-called Second Red Scare. The problem was that the Senator just accused but never showed any valid proof. So he accused these people of treason but never showed any valid evidence, affecting the reputation of many people.