1. Nibbles crept <u>quietly</u> across the carpet towards the open door and <u>promptly</u> sneaked through while no one was looking.
2. <u>Easily</u>, Sue edged over the ice as she talked <u>gently</u> to her dog clinging to a tree.
3. Eliot's car skidded <u>quickly</u> across the road as it went out of control and the others watched <u>silently</u>.
4. Yesterday, they <u>noisily</u> ate their dinner so they could get to the concert <u>immediately</u>.
5. The birds flew<u /> <u>slowly</u> <u /><u />towards the cliff top and sat <u>comfortably</u> on a ledge.
I dont get what your asking here. Is is a true or false question??
The answer is NOT fall, the answer is actually winter, and the reason why this is correct is because winter is like a harsh cold weather, symbolizing sad and challgenge. The reason why fall is wrong is because fall is like a time of transition, meaning weakening and hard work, but it does not symbolize anything from winter.
Hope this helped!
That's true!
An interjection is like "Wow!", etc. It does not need to be accompanied by words.
i am not sure but i think that
replacing dead cells should be the answer because cells are getting replaced they are not growing or doing reproduction but they are just getting replaced
please confirm from other source
i hope it helps thanks for asking this question
i hope you have a nice day