Images constitute integral parts of technical documents. An effective way to display images within a technical document is to distribute the images around the page and document. A document that portrays information accompanied by images and diagrams is much easier to be understood than one with only pure text descriptions. It is important to state that images are useful resources that allow the reader make sense of the information provided in a text, since images help the reader clarify if they are used carefully and with suitable captions.
"Without sea ice, arctic plants and animals must either adapt or migrate. If they can’t, they will go extinct."
"If that isn’t enough, people who live in coastal communities within the Arctic Circle are also battling erosion along their coastlines."
"(These communities must relocate inland or their homes and land could be washed out to sea.)"
"(For ice in the Arctic, it’s a race against time. If humans do not change what we are doing to the global climate, the ice will continue to disappear and life as we know it will be altered.)"
B. The hyphens are used to indicate a definition is expressed
“Winter Dreams” main conflict was that Dexter dreams about joining the ranks of the rich. But he sees Judy Jones and realizes he’s been going wrong about it.
After she ends up losing her looks and falls into marriage with a alcoholic cheater Dexter loses his romantic love illusions with his upper class. He then realized that his struggles for those illusions were for nothing.