King Hammurabi was eighteen years when he became King of Babylon after his father's death and ruled between 1792 till 1750 BC.
The young king was not daunted by the task of being king of such a big kingdom and he immediately began to make peace treaties with strong and powerful neighboring countries and working on making the kingdom prosperous. He did this by undertaking several projects like strengthening the city walls, and new and better irrigation systems.
After he had defeated his enemies and neighboring countries, he established the first Babylonian Empire and went further to improve the city by building more temples, constructing canals and acqueduts.
They achieve this through selective breeding and the use of concentrated feed. This puts the animals at risk of developing often-painful physiological problems. Lameness, weakened or broken bones, infections and organ failure are common health problems for factory farmed animals.
There are several areas of effective teaching behaviors that a teacher should exhibit in order to become a teacher that can develop his or her students well.
Some of these areas are goal setting and planning, which should be used to monitor the students’ performances; classroom management skills, to ensure that the students are learning in best environment possible; and <u>the answer to the question</u>: motivational skills, to push students to perform better.
Stokely Carmichael, I believe