duf-nuep-axk ........ .. .....
Nigeria belongs to continent Africa. The Africans have a wonderfull oral tradition. So, your answer is Nigerian storytelling has historically been an D. oral tradition.
The answer is letter a, the entrepreneur comes us with a more efficient way to make products because this is a way of improving profitability on his or her business because having an efficient way to make products will help him or her to make his or her products to sell and in the same time, it is timely and he or she has a strategy that will help him or her to save money and make a profit out of it.
it helps in which nurture affects our mental and physical health
and nurture describes the influence of learning and other influences from one's environment.
These two researcher obligations, wherein the researchers make sure that the participants are told about the true nature of the study before they leave and they must make sure that the participants do not feel bad about their behavior, are referred to as debriefing and protection from harm.