The correct answer is physiological social; belongingness
Maslow's Pyramid, also known as Theory of Human Needs, organizes human needs hierarchically.
At the base of the pyramid are the most urgent needs, related to our physiological needs. At the top are personal achievements. In other words, according to Maslow, people will only pursue their personal achievements after solving the needs related to physiology, security, love / relationship and esteem.
Physiological are the initial needs and personal fulfillment are the final needs.
The need to belong was a believe that people are social beings who have a need to belong to a group, to love others, and to be loved.
(Near Civil war) In the South, people made profit out of slavery by making them do work in farms or serve wealthy families. Meanwhile in the North, slaves were free but not treated equally as whites.
Carl Jung said humans share a collective unconscious
To maintain blood volume within a normal range, the kidneys regulate the amount of water and sodium lost into the urine. For example, if excessive water and sodium are ingested, the kidneys normally respond by excreting more water and sodium into the urine.