Unicorn horse/zebra dragon would be a lizard big foot ape <span />
I think option 4, to explain where black holes are located
तल दिइएका शब्दहरूलाई अर्थ खुल्ने गरी वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर्नुहाेस् :सिर्जनशील,अाविष्कार,सजीव,प्राचीन,अाधुनिक,रेखाचित्र,मनाेभाव,जीवनाेपयाेगी,परम्परा,दुरवस्था
( Use the following words in a sentence that makes sense: creative, invention, animate, ancient, modern, drawing, persuasion, vitality, tradition, misfortune)
उम्म ... तपाईं वाक्यमा ती सबै प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्न
(umm you cant use all those words in a sentence)
Answer:inquisition of what,pls be more specific
The United States is a highly developed country, with a strong economy in pratically every single economic sector: from agriculture, to many types of industry, to high-tech, to services.
People from abroad demand U.S. technology and capital goods because they know that it tends to be of high quality. This benefits the American people because it raises U.S. exports, which brings more income to Americans in the form of either U.S dollars or foreign currency that is later converted into U.S. dollars.
This makes the U.S. economy more dynamic, not only for those directly involved in the exporting business, but also for many other people who benefit indirectly from such exchanges.