The reason? Venus' thick, carbon dioxide atmosphere causes a runaway greenhouse effect. At the surface Venus has an atmosphere 50 times denser than Earth's, and average surface temperatures of 470 degrees Celsius (878 degrees Fahrenheit)—hot enough to melt lead.
Unconscious information processing
When an unconscious prototype occurs, it occurs due to automatic processing in the brain. It occurs without any initiation from the side of the intention. It occurs automatically. The theory of automatically occur independently. Many tasks are cue dependent and others are context-dependent. So in many tasks, we are not aware of the environment and automatically we completed tasks. For example, riding a bicycle, driving a car, these are the example of automatic unconscious information processing.
Thus normally sighted people who were disabled in seeing due to magnetic stimulation. These people never feel a sense of emotions expressed on the face. It illustrates the best capacity of unconscious information processing.
Answer:Using structural magnetic resonance imaging, investigators have reported that with regard to visual inspection of anteromedial temporal lobe atrophy, the sensitivity is 83% to 85% and the specificity is 96% to 98% in distinguishing clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease cases from controls.
Btw you didn't describe the question very well
Answer: Selective abstraction.
Cognitive biases or distortions are an erroneous or distorted interpretation of an event, situation or thought. These distortions generate emotional discomfort, which can lead to the development of mental disorders.
Aaron Beck developed this theory, and treating cognitive distortions in people is fundamental in the cognitive-behavioral therapies.
Abstraction is a cognitive bias in which the person focuses his attention on a single detail, ignoring everything else. In this case, Debbie ignores all the positive aspects of her test results and concentrates only on the aspect that she considers negative, this causes her discomfort.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>
I think the answer is taproot