There are microorganisms that are able to live in extreme environments under adverse conditions of pH, temperature and salinity. These microorganisms are classified as extremophiles. Within the group of extremophiles there are halophilic bacteria, which are those capable of living in extremely saline environments.
One biological factor that all living things are subject to suffer from is osmotic pressure. Halophilic microorganisms have developed mechanisms to adapt to saline environments where osmotic pressure acts with great intensity on individuals. These bacteria change the chemical composition of their membranes and also accumulate osmoprotective compounds in their cytoplasm to compensate for osmotic stress.
RAMIREZ, N; SANDOVAL, AH y SERRANO, JA. Las bacterias halófilas y sus aplicaciones biotecnológicas. Rev. Soc. Ven. Microbiol. [online]. 2004, vol.24, n.1-2 [citado 2019-09-22], pp. 12-23 . Disponible en: <>. ISSN 1315-2556.
C. The cell must be a plant cell.
Only plant cells have cell walls. Bacteria cells and animal cells do not. Both animal cells and plant cells have membrane-bound organelles, but since the student saw a cell wall, it must be a plant cell.
Hope this helps! :)
The intensity of light had greater impact on the rate of photosynthesis. It was observed that the jar in which the intensity of light was high, large amount of oxygen was produced as compared to the jar in which the intensity of light was low.
In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced from the carbon dioxide. As the oxygen in the jar increases, the leaf disk rises with in the jar which also signifies the higher oxygen production with higher rate of photosynthesis in presence of high intensity of light.