False. they are angiosperms
A challenge to traditional (pre-1860) ideas about species came from embryology, when it was discovered that embryos of dissimilar organisms, such as sharks and humans, resemble each other. Embryology involves the study of the formation and the development of an embryo and the fetus. It is one type of evidence of evolution such that the embryos of many different kinds of animals, mammals, reptiles, birds, fish among others, are similar showing a common ancestry.
The right option is abnormal
menstrual cycles
The female athlete triad is a
medical condition that is seen in physically active females. The clinical manifestations
of this condition involve three components which are; menstrual dysfunction, low
energy availability with or without disordered eating and decreased bone
density. Based on the information given above, Wendy has abnormal menstrual
Motor nerves
Pulling the leg quickly from the sharp object is an example of reflex action. It includes sensory receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, the control center (spinal cord), motor neurons and effector.
As soon as she steps on the glass piece, the receptors present in the skin of her foot sole sense it and send the information to the control center via sensory neurons. The spinal cord commands the muscles of the effector organ (leg) via motor neurons to move to step away from the glass piece.