1. As temperature and pressure increases, density increases
The earth is composed of three main layers: Crust, Mantle and Core. The density or mass per unit volume of the earth's layers increases as one moves from the surface towards the interior of the earth known as the core. Also, there is an increase in pressure and temperature as depth increases. There are three main sources of heat in the earth's core: (1) conserved heat from when the planet formed and coalesced, (2) heat due to friction caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the planet, and (3) heat from the decay of radioactive elements.
The earth's core is composed almost entirely of the metals, iron and nickel. The core has an inner solid layer and a molten outer core. Iron and nickel are both very dense metals, so the core of the earth is very dense and the density increases with depth with the inner core being the most dense layer of the earth.
The role of light in photosynthesis provides energy for sugar to be created!
-Carbon has 4 electrons in its outer shell
-It can achieve a full outer shell by forming Covalent Bonds
The correct answer would be a. Fragments of DNA that have desired genes are isolated to form recombination DNA for use in a host. Genetic engineering refers to the direct manipulation or modification of the desired gene in a cell in order to produce novel or improved organism.
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial agents are agents that helps fight against microorganism. The couple occur in natural or synthetic form.
Antibiotics are synthesis from natural source such as mold, bacteria to fight against various diseases.
Cephalothin produce by mold is an example of a natural antimicrobial that is produce by mold to kill microorganism causing various illnesses it could be further process into a synthetic antimicrobial agent and can be used as antibiotics.