C is the answer to this question.
Physical Memory Size = 32 KB = 32 x 2^10 B
Virtual Address space = 216 B
Page size is always equal to frame size.
Page size = 16 B. Therefore, Frame size = 16 B
If there is a restriction, the number of bits is calculated like this:
number of page entries = 2^[log2(physical memory size) - log2(n bit machine)]
physical memory size = 32KB which is the restriction
n bit machine = frame size = 16
Hence, we have page entries = 2^[log2(32*2^10) - log2(16)] = 2ˆ[15 - 4 ] = 2ˆ11
public class Int_List
protected int[] list;
protected int numEle = 0;
public Int_List( int size )
list = new int[size];
public void add( int value )
if ( numEle == list.length )
System.out.println( "List is full" );
list[numEle] = value;
public String toString()
String returnStr = "";
for ( int x = 0; x < numEle; x++ )
returnStr += x + ": " + list[x] + "\n";
return returnStr;
public class Run_List_Test
public static void main( String[] args )
Int_List myList = new Int_List( 7 );
myList.add( 102 );
myList.add( 51 );
myList.add( 202 );
myList.add( 27 );
System.out.println( myList );
Note: Use appropriate keyword when you override "tostring" method
Level 5 ( Full Driving Automation ) Level 5 cars won't even have steering wheels or acceleration / braking pedals . They will be free from geofencing , able to go anywhere and do anything that an experienced human driver can do .
Pls follow me and Mark as brainlest!!! :-)