The most important are the lungs, more precisely the alveoli.
Alveoli are structures of the lungs where gas exchange occurs. They allow oxygen from the air to pass into blood. Oxygen diffuses through the walls of alveoli into the capillaries that surround it. Oxygen is then bonded with the iron in red blood cells and travels to the heart. The heart then sends the oxygenated blood out to all the cells in the body.
Trophic Cascade
Trophic cascade is when the ecosystem experiences a level of a certain species being reduced or removed.
Volcanic eruptions spew alot of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases when mixed with rain and run into oceans increase their pH. Additionally, these gases are greenhouse gases that increases atmospheric temperatures and consequently those of the seas and oceans.
Low pH and high temperatures kill marine life.
Energy convention: Convection is the motion of a fluid driven by temperature differences across that fluid. When a fluid is heated, the region in closest contact with the heat source becomes less dense due to increased kinetic energy in the particles. Convection is one of the fundamental ways that heat is transferred