1. vi. Preganglionic
2. vii. adrenergic
3. ii. sympathetic chain ganglia
4. iii. Craniosacral
5. viii. splanchnic
Action potential travel down preganglionic nerve fibre. They travel towards Vagus Nerve near the effector organ. These impulses arrive at cardiac plexus, which create action potential in postganlianic.
each mile is an hour
each mile is an hour depending on how fast your going like when ur in bed with another person. feels good and fast at the same time to reach the destination
Option A would be correct. The most likely outcome, (if) ribosomes stopped functioning properly, would be Cell growth stopping, or slowing down.
<span>You needed a quick boost of energy - MONOSACCHARIDE
You wanted to grow strong nails, you haven't eaten in days - PROTEIN
You wanted to grow healthy hair - PROTEIN
You had a race tomorrow afternoon - POLYSACCHARIDE
You were getting ready for hibernation - LIPIDS
You wanted to get bigger muscles - PROTEIN
Your meal will be in a week - LIPIDS
CARBOHYDRATES include monosaccharide and polysaccharides. They provide immediate energy boost or short term energy storage for animals as well as long term energy storage for plants.
PROTEIN s</span>peeds up chemical reactions by lowering activation energy. It is used to form bones and build muscles. It is m<span>ade up of an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group.
LIPIDS can be saturated or unsaturated fatty acids. They are not soluble in water however they provide long-term energy storage for animals. </span>