By citing a similar case, West Virginia v. Barnette, in which the Court decided that students are not required to salute the flag
Maybe it infers that earth may not be ready for advanced technology such as aliens
Answer: Macbeth is frightened about the fight, and comforts himself by stating that he will at least die in a battle.
Shakespeare's <em>Macbeth</em> is a play about a man's ambition to become a king. He eventually does achieve his goal, but at a cost: having killed both King Duncan and Banquo, Macbeth is consumed with guilt.
In <em>Act V, Scene V</em>, Macbeth has just found out that his wife is dead, when a messenger informs him that the trees of Birnam Wood are are advancing towards Dunsinane. Shocked by both news, Macbeth remembers the witches' prophecy that he would not die until Birnam Wood came to Dunsinane. This makes him even more terrified.
It seems that, at this point, Macbeth is ready to die. Although afraid, he tells his men that they will at least die <em>'with our armor on.'</em>
The correct answer is B.
Rhyme scheme refers to the pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse.
The rhyme scheme in "A Farewell" by Charles Kingsley is abab cdcd because, in the first stanza, the last words of the first and third line rhyme with each other, and the second and fourth lines create another rhyme, creating an abab pattern.
The same occurs in the second stanza, but the rhyming words are different than those of the first stanza, thus creating a cdcd pattern.
That's a very manly pfp
I have found another weeb from MHA/BNHA!!
thanks for the points