The storm changes Sydney’s perspective on her life and the things and people around her. Before she only thought of the negatives aspects of her house and doesn’t appreciate has. The storm threatens to take all of that away, which prompts a retrospective moment from Sydney. She realizes that she should be thankful for the house she has and the family that loves her.
Cabuliwallah initially wins minis friendship by giving her diamonds and raisins when Mini is still 5 years old. They bond became tight and the became close to each other. Mini's mother and father did not expect this to happen because the initial impression of Mini to Cabuliwallah is not good.
A MacGuffin is that object in a film which is critical to the characters, but carries insignificant meaning for the audience.
A MacGuffin, a term introduced and widely used by Alfred Hitchcock is some element which drives the plot. The audience is not very concerned with the specifics of it.
Miss Maudie is part of the world where "fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water" (24.53), but this rose never lets others forget her thorns. Unlike Miss Stephanie and Mrs. Dubose, however, Miss Maudie uses her sharp tongue to counter meanness rather than to perpetrate it.