well we need to know the passage in question
The main conflict is defeating the storm.
Actually a convergence of three storms onto one Geographic location. Yikes!
Other conflicts include the shrimper's need to make more money by taking one last trip out to sea even though it was the dangerous season. The shrimper's wives obviously don't want them to go out again as they worry and don't like to be alone.
The shrimp boat owner encourages one last trip as he wants more money as well.
The shrimpers risk losing their jobs if they refuse to make the last trip.
Hi it is not easily exicted or upset<span />
pronoun is used to substitute a noun. In order for it to substitute, it must
have a clear antecedent. Personal pronouns are used to substitute nouns with
ownership. There are three persons point of view.1st person is when
the subject is the one who is speaking (e.g. I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours). 2nd person is
when the subject is the one being spoken to (you, your, yours). 3rd person is when the subject is
the one spoken about (he, him, his,
she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs).
<span>The answer is D: us and subject.</span>
The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.