discover new island
he descover the new island and the island name is Indian ..
this is journey of columbes
Columbus wants to discover whole world because he has curious mind...
This famous writer was born Joseph Rudyard Kipling in Bombay on December 30th, 1865, after his mother Alice Macdonald, a methodist minister’s daughter, and his father John Lockwood Kipling, an artist, moved there so John could work as the director of an art school. Kipling lived happily in India until he was six, when his father sent him back to England to study. At sixteen Kipling returned to his parents in India and worked on the Civil and Military Gazette, also writing and publishing a number of poems and stories. Kipling returned again to England in 1889 where he gained fame and credibility with his publication of Barrack-Room Ballads. In 1892, he married an American, Carrie Balestier, sister of his dear friend and sometimes partner, Wolcott Balestier, and settled with her in Vermont. There he wrote Captains Courageous and The Jungle Books, and Carrie gave birth to their first two children, Josephine and Elsie. The family moved to England in 1896 and settling in Rottingdean, Sussex the next year. Here their third child John was born. Unfortunately their daughter, Josephine, died during a family visit to the U.S. in 1899. Around this time Kipling was deemed the “Poet of Empire” and produced some his most memorable works, including Kim, Stalky & Co., and Just So Stories. In 1907, Kipling accepted the Nobel Prize for literature. In 1915, his son John died in the battle of Loos, during World War I. Kipling continued to write and became involved in the Imperial War Graves Commission. In January 1936, Kipling died, but not before the completion of his autobiography Something of Myself.
1. Ratification is termed as the action of signing and validating a treaty or agreement. Ratification is the most important question people have to decide because people are selecting whether to approve a government that will protect their liberties or will overturn them.
2. Brutus is concerned with the power to tax clause of the new government.
3. He believed that a large republic could lead to tyranny because he believed that large republics do not work properly. The representatives a republic must know the wishes of their voters , which was a very tough job in a large republic. In order for a republic to work properly, its people must follow the laws voluntarily but ensuing laws will become a chaos in a large republic.
he commercial revolution was a period of European economic expansion, with colonialism and mercantilism that lasted approximately from the late thirteenth century to the early eighteenth century. It was regarded as a success in the 18th century by the industrial revolution. Beginning with the Crusades, Europeans discovered spices, silks and other rare raw materials in Europe. This development created a new desire for trade, which expanded in the second half of the Middle Ages. The new formation of European states, through travel, were in search of alternative trade routes in the XV and XVI centuries, which allowed European powers to build large and new international commercial networks. The nations also searched and found new sources of wealth. The commercial Revolution is marked by an increase in trade in general, Custer work with those in charge of the impeachment process of the president. Grant was also under some pressure for his behavior towards Custer, and there was a climate of concern, which he feared would be compromised if the campaign was not headed by him. In the same way, Grant could be blamed for ignoring the advice of Custer's
In the 17th century natality and mortality was managed by the church. The church had all the records of the people that have been born in that period of time, and of the people that had died (and how did they died; if they had a disease or something in between those matters). A historian that is doing some research about the diseases of a specific population would find this information very important; because by reading the funeral records he could come to a conclusion.