By his third regnal year Tutankhaten had abandoned Tell el-Amarna and moved his residence to Memphis.
New evidence is discovered & Oversights and errors are corrected
Thats what i personally think because new opinions have to be backed with evidence, while if a piece of evidence is lost or stolen, it doesn't change the arguments because even though it is lost or stolen, there ought to be copies of the original object, but im not sure about new technology being applied to evidence, but it can go either or, its a 50/50 because new technology can enhance historical discoveries, or find new ones, but applying new technology as evidence has to be backed up with facts as to why it should be applied
The city located there is Melbourne, Victoria.
The 24th amendment to the Constitution (1964) made poll taxes illegal in national elections, and the Voting Rights Act directed the Attorney General to contest poll taxes in state and local elections.
Option: D. wanted to become wealthier too.
As Spain started to claim many parts of the new world and establish colonies, many other countries like Portugal, England, France and Dutch wanted to become wealthy too. Spain was generating wealth through mines of gold and silver in Bolivia, Mexico, and Peru. There was an increasing supply of gold and silver bullion that shipped to Spain, which made the country powerful and wealthy.
England in hope to find Bullion (gold and silver) send voyages and settlers in America to found colonies which would help England in generating the wealth. The desire to find gold became a mission for the English settlers but found mines of copper, iron, silver, lead, tin, coal, and other minerals which helped in building small industries in America.