1. impinge = strike
The word impinge can have various meanings, but in the case above, it means to strike. When 'the rain impinge[d] upon the earth,' it means that it started raining, the rain started striking the earth. To impinge means that something starts, and usually something negative.
2. garrulous = loquacious
The word garrulous refers to someone who talks excessively, likes to talk a bit too much, and usually about something trivial. Loquacious is a fancy word to denote the same thing, although it has a more positive connotation - it refers to someone who can speak nicely.
3. pious = religious
The word pious comes from the Latin word pius, which means dutiful. So when English took this word from Latin, it added a different suffix (-ous), and gave it the meaning of being 'dutiful to God.' So nowadays, pious refers to someone who is devoutly religious.
4. ruinous = dilapidated
The word ruinous refers to something which is in ruins, which is falling apart. The word which means the same thing is dilapidated - both of these words are usually used to describe buildings that are very old, and derelict, and are practically in ruins.
The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.'
In other words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to
convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This
belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal
in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on the human
experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means.
Often, a piece of writing will have more than one theme.
about some T.V. sitcoms you have seen that you have found trite and
boring. Was there a significant problem in the T.V. show that needed to
be solved? Probably not. In much the same way, if a piece of writing
doesn't have deeper meaning than we can just see on the surface, it is
just as shallow as the T.V. sitcom. In order for writing to be
meaningful and lasting, it needs to have a theme
I have no answer but did u ever figure it out the answer
I think the answer to this question is True.