The sea star could be called a(n) keystone species.
The concept of keystone species was introduced by zoologist Robert T. Paine, in 1969. <u>A keystone species has a fundamental role in influencing an ecosystem, helping maintain the structure within an ecological community. The abundance or lack of the keystone species will determine the abundance or lack of other species as well.</u> It is common to use lions or wolves as examples of keystone species. If they disappear, certain animal populations that are usually hunted by them will prosper indiscriminately. That will drastically change the ecosystem, perhaps even leading it to its collapse. As we can see, the sea star describe in the passage is responsible for controlling the mussel population. The sea star is, therefore, a keystone species, preventing the overcrowding of mussels.
The wars fought between Rome and Carthage for 20 years are called the Punic Wars.
b) Attraction
The deep desire for each other and the sexual fulfillment in the relationship between Nina and Mitch point to both an emotional and physical attraction for each other. Furthermore, it points out that this attraction is being met, leaving both satisfied with the relationship that is being established.
Sammi is very optimistic while Luck is pessimistic.
She (Lucy), has already given up that there is nothing she can do to convince the teacher to give he a pass, in the other hand, Sammi believes she can do it.