Residents of cities would most strongly support Zenger's position on the press. They hire a brilliant lawyer from philadelphia to defend him.
John Peter Zenfer was an American-German journalist and he printed a publication called The New York Weekly Journal. He brought to trial on August 4, 1735 and this trial was an important step toward the freedom for American Colonists.
<span>Nationalism is an extreme form of patriotism or loyalty to one’s country. Not only did nationalism lead to WW1 but it lead to two other wars [</span><span>Crimean War (1853-56) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71)]</span>
<span>Characteristics were based on nationalism, where the leader was in total control of the state, they disregarded human rights& believed in censorship. They disliked democratic ideals because democracy focused on providing people with rights and good conditions for everyone as well as citizens being able to choose their leader.</span>